Tuesday, 21 May 2013

See you soon..

Today has been all about a day of lasts- the last bus ride, the last London thai food, the last walk to my dorm.  Now that I have come out on the other side- I can honestly say that this has been the most rewarding experience of my life.  In a way that is more subtle than most will even notice upon my return, I feel that I have gained a deeper sense of self, independence and more amazing life experiences than most can dream about.  

It's even hard for me to understand who I was when I got here- I keep questioning- why did I walk into studying abroad so scared to the point I was sobbing over skype the first few nights (Mom, Dad, and Cameron D all bared witness)  But studying abroad is a nerve-wracking experience, especially coming in it alone without any friends.  However, I can- without hesitation- say that I am so happy that I came here alone, forcing myself to learn things, make new friends, and submerge myself in the wonderful culture that is London.  So for that, I give five-month-ago Savannah a pat on the back!

When my parents and their friends came to visit, they would ask me what I love most about London.  Of course, this is like asking what I love most about shopping or candy- everything!  But I always refer back to the first day I went into central, walking out of Waterloo station and following people like a lost puppy and finally seeing The Eye.  For a lack of better term- it was absolutely magical and exactly how I pictured London, full of things that can take your breath away (and cold and foggy)  So that's my official answer- I love that every single day here can bring you something wonderful that will make you feel as though you are experiencing a whole new place, even though you are just one tube stop away.

Huge thank you to my parents, who have emotionally and financially supported me throughout this trip.  I can't even imagine how many times I'll look back on this trip, and thanks to you guys, I can remember all of the wonderful things I was able to do in my time here..  And thanks to all of ya'll who read it and enjoyed the experiences with me!  Especially Cameron and my Aunt Susan who were my most faithful readers! Haha!

I'm a mix of emotions now, so sad to be leaving London, but so happy to see everyone I love. So I keep saying to myself, I WILL be back in London one day.  Next time, on my own dime, but I will come back to this amazing city that I keep falling in love with every day.  See you soon, Londontown! 

1 comment:

  1. Savannah, I have loved reading your posts. You have a real treasure in this travel diary! So glad you had a wonderful trip. And, you are right, you will remember it forever.
