Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Days 5&6

Whew! I have barely had time to breathe here because there is so much to do and explore! Monday was the first day of classes, but since I only have class Tues/Wed/Thurs, a few of us girls decided to head into Central London and see some stuff we missed on the first day.

First, we went to Hyde Park to get a look at the daytime atmosphere.  The park is HUGE and reminds me a lot of central park.  There were dogs everywhere (which made me miss my sweet Avery) and it was so relaxing just to walk and sightsee.  In Hyde Park, there are some famous statues, including Peter Pan and there is the memorial to Princess Diana.  I had read up on the Diana memorial the day before (I am obsessed with anything pertaining to the royal family) and saw that it was basically a long circle of marble with a river running through.  It was so pretty, and the meaning behind the river was even more amazing (look it up!)

From there, we went to HARRODS! It was absolutely as great as everyone had told me and I only saw about half of it!  I loved the purse section, Pet Kingdom, jewelry, basically every section we saw!  The memorial for Princess Diana and Dodi inside Harrods was beautiful, so we got a good bit of Diana tribute yesterday.  

Last night was my first real night out, and it was so much fun!  Basically, the school's student union provides nights out for students on Mon/Wed/Fri, and Monday night was student night at a bar called The Grand.  Roehampton provided free transportation on a double decker (put Wilmington cabs to shame) and we all headed to Grand.  It was really fun, and awesome to get to mingle with the regular students.  

The not so fun side was having to get up for my first day of class this morning.  Thankfully, it won't last the 4 hours it is supposed to, so I will be in my Tuesday class from 9:00-12:00.  I'm taking it easy today and probably going to have a date with my nook and get some much needed rest!  Hope everyone is has a wonderful Tuesday :)

Highlight of my days: Being able to experience this all with such a good group of girls, and meeting more people on my hall. Yay for English friends!


Precious, right?!
In Hyde Park Memorial
Princess Diana Memorial in Hyde Park
Inside Harrods, memorial
On the Way to The Grand
Couldn't resist a double decker picture :)

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